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Abbey, Edward, 215
Abdullah, Sharif, 219, 273-274
abortion, 222-223
activism. See also citizenship
    advocacy stance, 256, 260
    generated by culture, 116, 262
    interconnectedness and, ii
    people leaving/avoiding, vii, 18-19, 47-49
    overview, 45
    social issues and, 19-21, 255-259, 262-265
    social process (capacity-building), 22-24, 46-47, 49-52, 250, 262-267
    sources of power, 249-254
    Taoist, 271-272
  definition of, 43-44
  types of, 45-48, 254-259
agreement, 56, 86, 235. See also consensus
alternative dispute resolution (ADR), 200
AmericaSpeaks, 158n, 208-209
Anderson, Sherry Ruth, 48
Andhra Pradesh Coalition in Defence of Diversity, 146
answerability, 13-14, 19
appreciative inquiry (AI), 85
Aquarian Conspiracy, The (Ferguson), 274
art, 92-94
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), 58
Australia, 149-154
authority, 98, 192, 236
Avritzer, Leonardo, 211
Awakening Technology, 228

Bache, Christopher, 273
Bagby, Rachel, 274
Baiocchi, Gianpaolo, 211
balance, 7, 24, 86, 170-171, 195
Baldwin, Christina, 67
ballot initiatives, 177
Barber, Benjamin, 273
bells, 68, 82-83
Berry, Thomas, 124
Beyond the Limits to Growth (Meadows), 17
Bhutan, 91
bias. See fairness and bias
Big Mind Media, 227
big picture, xii, 76-78
  accessibility of, 124
  art and, 93-94
  consensus process and, 239-245
  full-spectrum information, 95-96
  of needed transformation, 229
  wisdom and, 7
Bioneers, 229
Birth of the Chaordic Age (Hock), 56
blame, beyond, 32, 248
Bohm, David, 64, 239
Boston, MA, 128-129
Brazil, 12-14, 210-211
  to conscious cultural evolution, ix
  dangerous, 191
  in dialogue processes, 66, 74, 78, 138-140
  holistic democracy, 106-107, 173, 193-194, 244-245
Bridge, Michael, 69, 71, 229
Bronte Catchment Project, 149
Brown, Juanita, 82-84
Buddhism, 92, 253, 274
Building Communities from the Inside Out (Kretzmann and McKnight), 58
Bush, Robert A. Baruch, 86
By Life's Grace (Peavey), 74
By Popular Demand (Gastil), 177

Café Collaborative, 7
café conversations, 82-84, 219
Calling the Circle (Baldwin), 67
Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators (Henderson et al.), 92
Canadian Centre for Analysis of Regionalization and Health, 274
Canadian experiment, 59-60, 130-143
capacities, human, xii, 5, 254, 264, 270
capacity-building, in communities, 22-24, 52, 262-267
catastrophes. See problems, social and environmental
Centered on the Edge: Mapping a Field of Collective Intelligence and Spiritual Wisdom (Potter et al.), 273
Center for Conscious Evolution, 228
Center for Group Learning, 274
Center for Wise Democratic Practices, 174
Centre of Bhutan Studies, 92
Cerezke-Schooler, Viola, 135
change, 10, 188, 255, 260-261
Chaordic Commons, 57
chaordic organization, 56
chaos, 56, 124, 247. See also order
Chattanooga Venture, 57-58
chimes and bells, 68, 82-83
chimpanzees, 15
choice-creating process. See Dynamic Facilitation
circles, in nature, 25. See also listening circles
citizen deliberative councils
  briefing materials, 128, 158, 160, 169
  citizen consensus councils, 127, 169
  comparison with other forms of deliberation, 171-172, 196, 200, 203-207
  deliberative councils convening other deliberative councils, 206
  democracy, functions in, 176-178
  democratic legitimacy of, 150, 185, 195, 205-206
  description of, 167, 171
  discovery of, 155n
  examples of (see Australia; Canadian experiment; consensus conferences; Germany; India)
  experts and stakeholders in (see experts)
  facilitation in, 128, 159, 170 (see also facilitation)
  fairness and bias in, 147, 157
  follow-up, 153, 160
  as a form of holistic politics, 127-129
  impact of, xvi, 148, 173
  institutionalization of, 205
  issues addressed, 60, 128, 154-156, 160
  media and publicity, 62, 128, 179-180
  models of (see citizens' juries; consensus conferences; planning cells; Wisdom Councils; Canadian experiment, citizen panels)
  movement, popular demand for, xiv-xvi, 196, 266-267
  organizing of, 157-160
    conflicts among, 130-143, 162-163
    developed expertise of, 128-129, 151, 185
    experience of participation, 132-142, 153, 160-164
    selection of diverse, 128, 130-131, 149-150, 157-158
    stratified sample, 205
    status issues of, 171-172, 237
  public involvement with, 176-180, 196, 231
  rationale for, 169-170, 186-196
  recommendations and final reports, 148-149, 151-155, 159, 163-164, 171
  regularity of, 120-128, 143, 231, 265
  research needed for, 205, 207, 266
  steering committee oversight, 147, 157-158
  visionary vs. issue-oriented, 168-169
  wisdom from, 129, 174-176 (see also wisdom)
citizen panels, 177. See also citizen deliberative councils
citizenry. See We the People
Citizens' Forum on Canada's Future, 60
citizenship. See also activism
  beyond issues, 255
  co-intelligent, 247-267
  definition of, 183
  informed, limitations on, 187-190
  individual citizenship, 184-186, 193-194
  interactive whole-system citizenship, 185, 189-190, 193-196
  Taoist, 271-272
citizens' juries. See also citizen deliberative councils
  consensus not primary, 169
  description of, 154
  examples of
    Australia re stormwater, 149-154
    India re development, 145-149
  role of, 154, 177, 186-196, 205
  topics covered, 154-155
  unbiased nature, 157
Civic Practices Network, 274
coalitions, xii, 19, 115
  activist approach to, 251-255
  for a better future, vi, xii, 58, 194
  of crises, ix-xi
  in dialogue, tension, 243
  intrinsic, 9, 247-249
  questions to clarify, 52
  seriously considering, 32
  Taoism and, 270
co-intelligence. See also activism, co-intelligent
  approaches to, many, xii, 100-102
  definitions of, xii, 3
  enhancing, 10, 257-261
  intrinsic, 10
  manifestations of, xii, 4-10 (see also collaborative intelligence; collective intelligence; multi-modal intelligence; resonant intelligence; universal intelligence; wisdom)
  potential, 11
  role of structures in, 88
  Taoism and, 269-272
  underlying inquiry, 3-5
  in the workplace, 12-14
collaboration. See cooperation
  collaborative intelligence
  collective intelligence and, 55
  definition of, 6
  examples and stories, 10-11, 18-20, 54-55, 98-99
  dialogue and, 63-64
collective consciousness, 39, 193, 273
collective intelligence
  collaborative intelligence and, 55
  collected intelligence, distinguished from, xi
  conscious evolution and, 7
  definition of, 6-7, 185
  societal, different levels of, 54-61
  factors in
    art, 92-93
    collective memory, 56, 88-89
    conflict, 119
    dialogue, 56, 58-61, 123, 194
    diversity, 6, 123, 192, 195
    feedback, 18, 56, 90, 263
    inclusiveness, 6, 61-62, 123
    relevance, 61, 111, 120
    structures and institutions, 88, 92, 120, 187, 270
  research into, 54, 273
  social issues and, 187, 265-267
  societal need for, 53, 107-108, 187, 190-194
collective mind, iv-vi, vii, 193, 226
collectivity, synergy with individuality, xi
Collings, Karren, 132, 134-135, 138-140
Coming Back to Life (Macy and Young), 215
common ground, viii, 200, 223, 238-240
Communities magazine, 71
  healing of, iii-iv, 20, 30
  health, 16, 16-18
  indicators by, 17
  involvement, 152
  revitalization, 22-24
  stories of building, 16-20, 22-24, 57-58
  values, 17
community organizing, 18-20, 19, 22-24
compassion, 7, 224-225, 254, 258, 274. See also empathy; resonant intelligence
complexity, 264
  big picture, 29, 78, 131, 162, 232
  complexxity, 186-190, 193-194
    definition of, 187
    effect on citizenship, 189-193
    effect on collective intelligence, 187
    megatrend factors, 187-189
  theory, 100, 124
Complexity (Waldrop), 274
compromise. See consensus: creative consensus without compromise
concerns, handling of, iv, 75-78, 167, 170, 254
"Concord Principles" (Nader), 227
conflict resolution/transformation
  bridging Us and Them, 256-257, 263
  cooperative outcomes, 223
  creative conflict, 119-120
  cultural obstacles, 218
  on the Great Peace March, iii
  processes to facilitate
    Dynamic Facilitation, 74-79, 239
    mediated dialogue, 223
    mediation, 223-224
    nonviolent communication, 224-225
    principled negotiation, 85-86
    Process Worldwork, 224
    Public Conversation Project, 222-223
    stakeholder dialogues, 200-207
    transformational mediation, 86, 239
  as source of insight, 116, 119
  attention given to, 68, 176, 210, 254
  collective, 39, 193, 273
  Earth, 35
  evolution of, 24, 110, 123
  of interrelationship, 7, 17-18, 263
  broad social, 60-61, 126, 226
  citizen consensus councils, 127, 169
  community organizing, 18-20
  creative consensus without compromise, xi, 51, 92, 239, 260
  grassroots forms seeking comfortable agreement, 85, 235, 238-239
  group "ah-ha" experiences, 240
  power-politics view of, 236
  suppressing dissent and diversity, 236-238 (see also co-stupidity)
  valuing dissent and diversity, 239-245
consensus conferences. See also citizen deliberative councils
  Danish Parliament, 156-157
  outside Denmark, 128, 160
  role of, 156, 177, 186-196
  series on same topic, 164
  steps for organizing, 157-160
  stories of
    Boston re telecommunications, 128-129
    UK re biotechnology, 160-164
  unbiased nature, 157
Consensus Councils, 201-203
consequences, comprehending, ix, x, 10, 30, 95
control, moving beyond, 6, 32, 56-57, 65, 81, 265
conversation. See dialogue
  in community-building, 18-20, 22-24, 263
  power-with, 6, 11-12, 110-111, 113, 117-118
core commons, 34-39, 175, 242, 266
  control of media and elections, 186, 190
  internal transformation of, 12-14, 20-22
  community development, led by, 19
  rights and needs of, 254
  rules governing, 57
co-sensing, 239-245. See also consensus
co-stupidity, xii, 107, 109, 193-194, 260
  groupthink, 236-238, 242, 258
Council process. See listening circles
Cousins, Norman, 43
Covey, Stephen, 67
CoWorking, 227
Coyle, Virginia, 67
Creating a World that Works for All (Abdullah), 273-274
creativity. See co-creativity
crises. See problems, social and environmental
Crosby, Ned, 154-155, 177, 179. See also citizens' juries
cultural creatives, vii, 48
culture. See also dialogue: culture of
  concious evolution of, vii, viii, 226, 228
  corporate, 12-14
  multicultural work, 57-58
  transcultural approaches, 22-24
  wisdom, 50-52, 275
Culture of Argument, The (Tannen), 218
Cunningham, Ward, 228

Dahl, Robert, 183
Dalai Lama, 217-218
Danish Board of Technology, 156, 158n
Danish Parliament, 156-157, 164
Dark Night, Early Dawn: Steps to a Deep Ecology of Mind (Bache), 273
Davidson, Gordon, 126
decision-making. See also experts; solutions
  participatory, 85, 129
  voting as, 123
  without making a decision, iii-iv
Deep Democracy of Open Forums, The (Mindell), 224
deliberation, 166, 197-216. See also citizen deliberative councils
Deliberative Democracy Consortium, 274
demagogues, 37, 189
  deep, 224
  definitions of, viii, 229
  limitations of current form, xi
  living, 116-120
  power to those affected, 14
  representative, 61, 192
  Taoism, co-intelligence and, 271-272
  and wholeness, 105-129
  wise, viii, 265
  in the workplace, 12-14
Denmark, 156-160, 164
Department for International Development (UK), 147
Desert Survival Situation, The (Lafferty and Pond), 55n
design, 17, 73, 86, 97, 175
Devane, Tom, 273
Dewey, John, 107
dialogue, 260-261. See also consensus
  Bohmian, 64, 239
  collaborative and collective intelligence and, 63-64
  combining large and small group, 82-84, 208-209
  culture of, 217-233
    conditions that support, 232-233
    relation to citizen deliberation, 180, 196, 217
  definition of, 63
  factors in the quality and power of, 229-232, 259-261
  and food, 115, 221-222
  group "ah-ha" experiences, 240
  impact on participants, 230
  impact on society, 87, 231-232
  organizations promoting many forms, 274
  public, methods for, 219-229
  range of, 64-65
  role of public dialogue, 218
  technology and, 167-168, 179, 208-209, 225-229
  tribal council, v
Dialogue to Action Initiative, 274
Diamond, Stuart, 131, 141
dictators, 93, 192
Dienel, Peter, 155
Different Drum, A: Community-Making and Peace (Peck), 274
Disney, 214
Dispossessed, The (LeGuin), 274
  coherent integration of, xi, 123
  consensus, role in, 238-245
  creative use of, 6, 45, 192, 195, 255
  of gifts, 24
  permaculture, lessons from, 97-99
  of perspectives, vs. numbers of people, 123
  reflective, 175
  as social stimulant, 232
  wisdom from, 116, 175
Divine Daughters (Bagby), 274
Domestic Policy Association, 199
Du Bois, Paul, 116-119
Dupuis, Charles, 131-138, 141-142
Durant, John, 160
Dynamic Facilitation, 74-79, 173, 239, 263

Earley, Jay, 274
Earth, 24, 34, 191, 220, 253
Earth First!, 215
economics, 14, 17, 31, 232. See also indicators, statistical
Ecotopian Grapevine Gazette, 215
Ecotrust, 229
Ehrlich, Paul, 274
Eichler, Mike, 18-19
Einstein, Albert, 9
Eisler, Riane, 274
elections. See voting
Elgin, Duane, 226-227
  of agreements, 238-239
  of bigger picture, 76, 109, 239
  of conflict and problems, 75, 164
  of a culture of dialogue, 217-218, 227-229
  of deeper dialogue, 68
  of ideas and possibilities, iii, 21, 75-79, 82-83, 86, 241, 261
  inviting, 74-79, 125, 250-251
  of leadership, 19, 38, 113, 224
  of motivation, 44, 72, 80, 219, 250-251
  of new ways, 113-114, 125, 200-201
  of a wise People's Voice, 196, 266
empathy, 8, 220, 224-225. See also compassion; resonant intelligence
entity, community or society as. See living systems
Everyday Miracles (Spangler), 247
evolution, conscious cultural, viii, xii, 226, 228
  in citizen deliberative councils, 147, 150, 158-162, 171, 203-205
  "on tap, not on top", 58-59, 157, 176, 263
extinction, human, 191
Exxon Valdez, 89-90

facilitation, 74, 85, 196, 243, 270. See also consensus; Dynamic Facilitation
Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decisionmaking (Kaner et al.), 85
fairness and bias, 96, 147, 157, 239
families, 6-7, 12, 54, 254
feedback, 18, 56, 90, 263
female. See gender dynamics
Feminine Leadership (Loden), 55n
fertilizer factory incident. See Great Peace March
fiction, co-intelligent visionary, 274
Fifth Discipline, The (Senge), 64, 274
Fifth Sacred Thing, The (Starhawk), 274
"Fires in the Mirror" (Smith), 93-95
Fisher, Roger, 85, 131-141
Fishkin, James S., 207
flexibility, 14, 212, 245
flow, 39, 239
Flynn, Patrice, 92
Folger, Joseph P., 86
Follett, Mary Parker, 105, 110, 117, 121, 234
Forest Service (U.S.), 55-56
freedom, 13, 14, 111, 232, 234
Fricska, Szilard, 211
Friere, Paolo, 210
From the Four Directions, 219-220
future, xii, 58, 176, 245, 260, 264. See also futures work
future search, 200-201
Future Search (Weisbord and Janoff), 201
futures work, 147, 176, 212-215

Gandhi, M. K., 31, 35, 43, 122, 147
Gardner, Howard, 5
Gastil, John, 177
Geddes, Carol, 131, 135-137, 140-142
gender dynamics, 15, 55, 158n
general interest. See common good
Germany, 155
Gerzon, Mark, 223-224
gestures of conversational presence, 68-71
Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury), 85
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 274
Global Business Network, 212
God, 9, 36, 235. See also spirituality; universal intelligence
Great Peace March, i-vi, 246-247
Gross Domestic Product/Gross National Happiness. See indicators
Gross National Happiness (Centre of Bhutan Studies), 92
group fields, 224
group mind, iv-vii, 193, 226
groupthink. See co-stupidity; consensus

Hamilton, Alexander, 166
hand gestures, 68-71
Harvard Negotiation Project, 85, 131
Hawken, Paul, 107
Healthy Democracy, 177, 179
hearing and listening
  being heard at work, 13-14
  feeling fully heard, 77, 138-140, 142, 225, 258
  on Great Peace March, iii
  listening deeply, truly, 25, 64, 77, 243
  heart, iii, 5, 8-9, 239, 241
Heart of Conflict, The (Muldoon), 236
Heart Politics (Peavey), 15
Henderson, Hazel, 92
Herland (Gilman), 274
Hitler, Adolf, 37
Hock, Dee, 56
holistic management, 201
Holistic Management (Savory), 201
Holman, Peggy, 273
Holmes, Tim, 237
House Divided, A (Gerzon), 224
Houston, Jean, 8
Hubbard, Barbara Marx, 228
Huxley, Aldous, 274

ideologies, holistic, 125-126
imagineering, 214-215
  of all efforts on behalf of life, 274
  both/and thinking, 30
  of diverse perspectives, 92, 95-96
  need for integration, 122
  rewards of, 20-22
India, 22-24, 91
indicators, statistical
  community creation of, 17
  community health, sustainability and quality of life, 16-18, 90-92
  Gross Domestic Product (GDP), 89-90
  Gross National Happiness, 91-92
  Gross National Product (GNP), 17, 89n, 91
individuality, synergy with collectivity, xi, 109
  accessibility of, 96, 232
  full-spectrum re public issues, 95-96, 198-199, 230, 232
  infoglut, x, 183, 185, 187-189
  sharing, 14
Institute of Cultural Affairs, 210
Institute of Development Studies, 146
  challenge and, 10
  deeper forms of, ii, xii, 4-5 (see also co-intelligence)
  functions of, 111-112, 193
  IQ, xii, 54
  limited forms of, vi
  in politics, 183, 192
  power and, 111-112
  wholeness and, 9-10
  of issues, 189
  kinship with all life, 15, 24, 134-139, 246, 253-254
  scientific evidence for, i
  serious consideration of, ii, vi, 31
  spiritual, i
interest (stake)
  common good, 121, 127, 132, 170, 205
  legitimate, 85
  negotiation, 85-86, 239
  and politics, x, 112-113, 116, 118, 127-128, 261
  self-interest, 118-119, 127, 261
International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, 147
International Institute for Environment and Development, 146
International Trade Center, 147
Internet, 56, 88-89, 179-180, 217, 219, 226-227
In the Absence of the Sacred (Mander), v
Introduction to Permaculture (Mollison), 97
Iroquois, v, 30
Isaacs, David, 82-83
Island (Huxley), 274

Janis, Irving, 236-237
Janoff, Sandra, 201
Jefferson Center, 154. See also citizens' juries
Jefferson, Thomas, viii, 144
Jesus, 259
Johnson, David, 214
Johnson-Lenz, Peter and Trudy, 228
Johnson, Mark, 274
Johnston, Charles, 274
Joss, Simon, 160
Joy, Bill, 190-193

Kahane, Adam, 212
Kaner, Sam, 85
Kettering Foundation, 198
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 35, 246
kinship with all life. See interconnectedness; resonant intelligence
Kitzhaber, John, 144
Kluver, Lars, 158n
Kretzmann, John P., 58
Kucinich, Dennis, 40
Kurland, Norman, 199

Lalande, Robert, 133-134
Lao-Tzu, viii, 268, 270-271
Lappé, Frances Moore, 116-119
leadership. See also activism; power
  from the bottom, 19, 22-24
  catalytic, 22-24, 125
  collaborative, 57, 79
  conversations for leaders, 219-220, 222-224
  on the Great Peace March, ii
  resonant, 37-39
  for self-organization, 186, 271-272
  small-minded, 109
  Taoism and, 271-272
  from the top, 19, 81
  workers' authorization of, 12-13
Leadership and the New Science (Wheatley), 274
LeBeau, Marie, 131, 133, 137-142
Lee, Geoffrey, 160-164
LeGuin, Ursula K., 274
Lerner, Michael, 274
Leuf, Bo, 228
Lickerman, Jon, 92
Life. See also spirituality
  affirmation of, 7, 252, 264
  guiding this work, xvi, 252-254, 261-262
  sanctity of, 7
Limits to Growth, The (Meadows), 17
listening circles, 65-68, 239
listening projects, 220
"Listening to the City", 208-209
living systems
  powerful patterns in, 123-125, 248-249, 256-257
  seeing families, organizations, communities and societies as, 6-7, 18, 121, 249-250
  "whole system" work, 200-201
Loden, Marilyn, 55n
Loka Institute, 128
Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, 208
Lyons, Oren, v

Maclean's magazine, 59-60, 131-132, 142-143
Macy, Joanna, 124, 130, 215, 253-254, 262
male. See gender dynamics
Malidawa, India, 22-24
Mandela, Nelson, 212
Mandelbaum, Seymour J., 183
Mander, Jerry, v
Manitonquat, 24-28
Markey, Edward J., 128, 143
Marshall, Robert, 60, 143
Mary Parker Follett Foundation, 274
Mayor, Federico, 8
McKnight, John L., 58
McLaughlin, Corinne, 126
Meadows, Donella H., 17
media and publicity
  with citizen deliberative councils, 62, 128, 179-180
  "community voice" groups, 226
  control of public, 186, 189-190, 195
  electronic town meetings, 226
  fear and conflict from, 134, 221-223, 236
  as mirror for community, 123
  responsible, 225-227
  in scenario work, 214
mediated dialogue, 223
mediation, 86, 223-224, 237
Mediators Foundation, 223
Miller, Richard, 131, 133-137, 141-142
Mindell, Arnold, 224
minorities, 258. See also race
mirroring, 92, 123, 223
Mitchell, Natasha, 153-154
Mixner, David, 246
Mollison, Bill, 6, 97
Monkeywrench Gang, The (Abbey), 215
Montana Consensus Council, 202
Mont Fleur Scenarios, The (le Roux), 213
Mon Valley, PA, 19
Moral Imagination (Johnson), 274
Muldoon, Brian, 236
multi-modal intelligence, 5, 176. See also capacities, human
Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice (Gardner), 5
multiple-viewpoint drama, 92-95
mystery, 7, 24, 29

Nader, Ralph, 227
National Initiative for Democracy, 177
National Issues Forum, 95, 198-199
nature. See also interconnectedness; resonant intelligence
  collaborating with, 6, 31, 96-99
  concern for, 91-92, 254
  production of, 89
  separation from, ii
  spirit and, 34-36, 176, 268
Necessary Wisdom (Johnston), 274
negotiation, 85-86, 200, 239
nervous system, limitations of, x
networking, 215, 228
New Dimensions Radio, 225-226
New South Wales Environmental Protection Authority, 149-150
New World, New Mind (Ornstein and Ehrlich), 274
New York City Civic Alliance, 208
Nhat Hanh, Thich, 274
non-profit groups, 57, 199, 222, 262
nonviolence, 46, 120, 259-261
nonviolent communication (NVC), 224-225, 263
Nonviolent Communication (Rosenberg), 225
Not by the Sword (Watterson), 37
nuclear threat, ii, 246

Ogilvy, James, 107
Ohs, Karl, 234
Oliver, Leonard P., 199
Open Space Technology, 20-22, 55-56, 80-81
Open Space Technology (Owen), 81
order, 32, 56, 81, 97. See also chaos
Oregon Health Decisions (OHD), 58-59
organizational development, 48, 259, 262
organizations, i, v, 12-14, 259
Ornstein, Robert, 274
Osentowski, Jerome, 98-99
Our Media Voice campaign, 227
Owen, Harrison, 21, 64. See also Open Space Technology

Palmer, Parker J., 119
participation, intrinsic, 247-249, 251-252
Participatory Budget, 211
participatory decision-making, 51, 85, 144. See also consensus
Participatory Environmental Policy Processes (Holmes and Scoones), 237
Participatory Rural Appraisals, 210
partnership. See cooperation
passion, as driver of self-organization, 72, 79, 250-251
Pattern Language for a Conservation Economy (Ecotrust), 229
peace, 97, 116, 233, 254, 258. See also conflict resolution/transformation
Peace March, Great, i-vi, 246-247
Pearce, Paul, 149, 153-154
Peavey, Fran
  chimpanzee story, 15
  strategic questioning, 71-74, 82
Peck, M. Scott, 274
Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Friere), 210
peerness. See also power
  in community, 263
  essential for dialogue, 233
  processes which support, 20-22, 25, 66-67 (see also dialogue)
  in the workplace, 13-14
people, ordinary. See We the People
"People's Verdict," 132, 143, 146
permaculture, 30, 96-99
Permaculture: A Practical Guide for a Sustainable Future (Mollison), 6
Piercy, Marge, 274
planning cells (Planungzellen), 155-156. See also citizen deliberative councils
policy-making, vii, 19, 51, 128-129, 193
  value consensus conferences, 204
  deliberative evaluation of, 177, 207
  public ignored or manipulated by, 112, 139, 178, 236
  intelligence and, 10, 107-108, 183
  spectrum of engagement, 112-113
    cooperative politics, 113, 115-120, 260
      relation to power politics, 115-116
    holistic politics, 113, 115, 120-129, 260
      content vs. process, 125-127
      examples of, 127-129
    power politics, 112-113, 115-116, 259-260
polls, opinion
  deliberation and, 131, 149, 153, 207, 226-227
  problems with, x, 106, 185
popcorn circles, 68
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, 208
Porto Allegre, Brazil, 211
positions (in a controversy)
  all issues reduced to, 255-256
  analysis of, 95-96
  deconstruct into interests, 85
  deliberative evaluation shifts, 172, 207, 265
possibilities, positive. See also scenario work; visioning work
  adversarial view limits, 46
  in dialogue, 21-22, 54, 60, 175
  for dialogue, 180
  dialogue generates, 63, 75
  on the Great Peace March, v
possibility/problem focuser, 95-96
  answerability of, 254
  collective, dangers of, ix, 195-196
  freedom and, 111
  conversational, 229-232
  holders of (see also corporations; politicians)
    blocking solutions, xii
    dialogue with, 259-261
    manipulating the political system, 190
    as resource for community, 19-20, 231
  intelligence and, 111-112
  of life's energy, 253-254
  oppression and, 224, 254-255, 258
  political power, 111
  relationships, 12-14, 66, 171-172, 237 (see also peerness)
  types of
    power-over, 110-112
    power-with, 110-111, 113, 117-118
    power-of-wholeness, 111, 124-125
"Practicing Our Wisdom Together in Cyberspace" (Johnson-Lenz), 228
Prall, John, 135
prisons/prisoners, 24-28, 30, 222
problem-solving. See also solutions
  collaborative, 45, 51, 54-55, 85-86, 135, 144
  conflict and, 119
problems, social and environmental. See also power: collective; solutions
  catastrophic potential of, ix-xii, 187, 190-191
  examples of, x, 143, 254-255
  impetus for evolution, xii
  moving beyond problem-perspectives, 58, 85
  require wisdom to solve, 7
  sources of, ii, ix-xi
Process Worldwork, 224
profit, 13-14, 20-22, 57, 222
Promise Ahead (Elgin), 226
Promise of Mediation (Bush and Folger), 86
Public Agenda, 198
Public Broadcasting System, 95
Public Conversation Project, 222-223
Public Participation in Science (Joss and Durant), 160
Public Policy Insttitutes, 198

Quakers, 235
questions, powerful
  examples of, 22, 52, 72-73, 220, 251
  generate options, 22, 72-73
  methods using
    appreciative inquiry, 85
    Dynamic Facilitation, 75, 77-78
    From the Four Directions, 220
    Institute of Cultural Affairs, 22
    listening projects, 220
    nonviolent communication, 224-225, 263
    strategic questioning, 71-74
    World Cafe, 82
  as organizing tool, 22, 256
Quickening of America (Lappé and Du Bois), 116-119

race, 57-58, 198, 205, 221-222
Racicot, Marc, 202
Rao, Srikumar S., 21
Ray, Paul, vii, 48
relationship. See interconnectedness
  into collective intelligence, 54
  needed for citizen councils, 205, 207, 266
resonant intelligence, 8, 33-39, 175. See also empathy; compassion
respect, 14, 25-28, 232, 261
responsibility, 32, 118, 248, 254
Reworking Success (Theobald), 92
Ricigliano, Robert, 131, 133-141
Robin, Vicki, 219, 252
Rockport Company, 20-22
Rosenberg, Marshall, 225
Rough, Jim, 74, 79, 173. See also Dynamic Facilitation; Wisdom Council
le Roux, Pieter, 213
Rural Southern Voice for Peace (RSVP), 220
Ryan, Roberta, 150-151

salons. See café conversations
Savory, Allan, 201
scenario work, 147, 176, 212-214
  Mont Fleur scenarios, 212-214
Schutt, Randy, 235
Schwartz, Peter, 107
science. See also technology
  as discovery process, 241-242
  limitations of, 188
  new/holistic, i, 105-106, 124
Sclove, Dick, 128-129
Scoones, Ian, 237
Search for Common Ground, 202-203, 223
self-organization, 49-52, 51, 255. See also open space technology
  aspect of universal intelligence, 8
  in chaordic organizations, 56
  in communities, 22-24
  intentional, 125, 250-251
  in organizational development, 14
  role of vision in, 214
  system design for, 98
  Taoism and, 270-272
Semco, 12-14
Semler, Ricardo, 12-14
Senge, Peter, 64, 274
September 11, 2001, 190, 226
Seven Tomorrows (Hawken, Ogilvy, Schwartz), 107
shadow (psychological), 122
sharing, 31, 38-39, 66, 90, 262
shepherd, 11
Sitting Bull, ix
Sitting in the Fire (Mindell), 224
60 Minutes, 91
Skinner, B.F., 215
Smith, Anna Deavere, 93-95
social change. See activism; transformation
socialism, 14, 213, 254
Social Technologies, Advanced, 86-87
  conscious change of, viii
  as a learning entity, 10, 187
  tendency to generate crises, ix
Society for Organizational Learning, 56
Society's Breakthrough! (Rough), 173
  grist for inquiry, 74-79, 256, 265
  high quality, 54-55, 71, 119, 126-127, 231
  persistent, 123, 256
  systemic, 125
  wise, xii, 35, 54, 174, 205, 259
de Sousa Santos, Boaventura, 211
South Africa, 212-214
Spangler, David, 247, 269
special interests. See interests
spirituality. See also God; Life
  indigenous, 24-28, 50
  intelligence/wisdom and, 5, 8-10, 176, 225, 235, 273-275
  interconnectedness and, i, 35-36, 38-40, 92, 264, 269
  in politics and activism, vii, 40, 44, 48, 122, 126, 167, 224, 252-254
Spirit Matters (Lerner), 274
Spiritual Politics (McLaughlin and Davidson), 126
stakeholders, 264
  definition of, 200, 264
  dialogue, 200-207
    compared to citizen deliberative councils, 203-207
Starhawk, 274
statistics. See indicators, statistical
Steiner, Rudolf, 31
stereotyping, 20, 224, 226, 236-237n
  in conflict work, 20, 86, 222, 258
  Great Story, The, 124
  need to hear each other's, 11, 25-28, 31, 38-39, 230
  power to engage, 16, 231, 250, 263-264
  public storytelling, 221
strategic questioning, 71-74
Strong Democracy (Barber), 273
Study Circle Resource Center, 199
study circles, 179, 198-200, 227
Study Circles (Oliver), 199
stupidity as "an attempt to iron out all differences," 98. See also co-stupidity
success, measures of. See indicators, statistical
Supreme Court, 239
sustainability. See also indicators, statistical
  citizens' juries recommend, 147-148, 151-153
  democracy and, 16-18, 226-227, 232
  systems for, 16-18, 51-52, 54, 90-92, 126-127, 144
Sustainable Seattle, 16-18
Sweden, 199
  of assets in a community, 58
  basis of natural orderliness, 97
  of intelligences, xi, 5
  through dialogue, 64
  wholeness and, 105-106
systems. See living systems

talking stick, 25. See also listening circles
Tannen, Deborah, 218
Taoism, viii, 8, 268-272
Tao Te Ching, 268-269, 271-272

  as a public issue, 128-129, 156, 160-165, 190-191
  telecommunication and dialogue, 167-168, 179, 208-209, 225-229
Technology of Participation, 210
The Change Handbook: Group Methods for Shaping the Future (Holman and Devane), 273
Theobald, Robert, 92, 95
The Partnership Way (Eisler and Loye), 274
Thinley, Lyonpo Jigmi Y., 91
Thomashow, Mitchell, 119
Thorbeck, John, 20-22
Tikkun magazine, 274
time, 164, 186, 258
Time for Choices (Toms), 225-226
Toms, Michael, 225
Torres, Lars, 158n
town meetings
  electronic, 226
  face-to-face, 61, 190, 208
  conscious cultural, viii, 14, 46, 49-52, 187, 251
  in dialogue, 65, 207, 219-220, 230, 239
  drivers of social, 46, 48, 229, 261-262, 279
  necessity for, 186
  using citizen deliberation for, viii, xv
  transformational mediation, 86
Transforming Human Culture (Earley), 274
tribal cultures
  councils, v, 66
  justice systems, 30
  oppression of, 133, 135-136, 140
  wisdom honored, 24-25, 50
  building, 22-24
  of the process, 78, 205, 254
  required for consensus, 235
Turning the Century (Theobald), 95
Turning to One Another (Wheatley), 220
"Twilight: Los Angeles" (Smith, A.D.), 95

unions, labor, 14, 257-258
United Nations, 91, 147
universal intelligence, 8-10. See also God; Life; spirituality
Ury, William, 85
utopiation, 50, 180

  activist, 47, 116, 257
  basic, 35, 73, 91
  community, 17, 58, 204-206
  diverse, 92, 119, 150
  shared, 119, 200, 235
Visa, International, 56
visioning work, 51, 55-56, 60, 147, 176-177, 214
Voice of the People, The (Fishkin), 207
Voluntary Simplicity (Elgin), 226
  in citizen deliberative councils, 169, 179
  lack of dialogue in, 185
  participation in, 16, 123, 186
  quantitative vs. qualitative considerations, x, 123
  in the workplace, 12-13

Walden Two (Skinner), 215
Waldrop, M., 274
Wallis, Steve, 86
Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy, 273
Waring, Marilyn, 89
Warren, Mark E., 166
Watterson, Kathryn, 37
Way of Council, The (Zimmerman and Coyle), 67
websites, Co-Intelligence Institute, xvi, 25, 187
Weisbord, Marvin, 23, 201
We the People. See also citizen deliberative councils; citizenship
  capacity to govern wisely, viii, 108-109, 195
  citizen deliberative councils as voice of, 173, 176-178, 192, 204, 205
  democracy as effective conversations of, 229-232
  microcosm representing, 60-61, 184-185, 195-196
  who is WE?, 191-196
Wheatley, Margaret, 220, 274
White Dog Café, 221-222
  in democracy, 105-108, 111, 115, 120-129
  intelligence and, 4-5, 9-10 (see also co-intelligence)
  life seeks and heals through, 94, 125, 261-262
  picture, the whole, 4, 29, 119, 121-122 (see also big picture)
  serious consideration of, vi, 29-31
  synergy and, 105-106
wholeness, interconnectedness and co-creativity
  activism, informing (see activism, co-intelligent)
  in community organizing, 20
  intelligence, informing, 3-5
  serious consideration of, 29-32, 99, 264
Wicks, Judy, 221-222
widening circles exercise, 215
Wiki, 228
Wiki Way (Leuf and Cunningham), 228
wilderness survival experiment, 54-55
Wired magazine, 191
  arising from dialogue, 174-175, 231-232, 272
  collective, 109, 272
    common sense, 151-153
    factors involved in, 109
    relevance, 175
  co-resonant, 35
  currently scattered, xi
  description of, 17
  need for, xi-xii
  sources of, 8, 174-176
Wisdom Council, 173-174
  Constitutional amendment for U.S., annual, 173
wisdom culture, 50-52, 275
Woman on the Edge of Time (Piercy), 274
World As I See It (Einstein), 9
World Bank, 146-147
World Cafe, 82-84
World Trade Organization, 147

Yes! magazine, 253n
Young, Molly, 215

Zimmerman, Jack, 67
Zubizarreta, Rosa, 71


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